Final Event TSO2020

Final of an amazing project

The TSO2020 project will be successfully concluded by means of a physical closing debate at multifuel station Green Planet on 6 October 2021. A representative of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management, Tjisse Stelpstra, deputy of the province of Drenthe, Fleur Gräper deputy of the province of Groningen, alderman Werner ten Kate and all TSO2020 partners will participate in this final debate. It will present all relevant outcomes of the project and it provide an outlook into the political perspectives and position the TSO2020 project as an accelerator for green Hydrogen developments in the Northern Netherlands and beyond.

The final debate will be followed by the spectacular official opening of the Green Planet hydrogen filling station. At the end of this; celebratory drinks and walking dinner with live music.

After all the restrictions of Covid-19, we would like to celebrate this milestone together with you, taking into account the Covid-19 regulations. We look forward to seeing you!

TSO2020 is the largest Action approved in the first Synergy call of the EU Connecting Europe Facility. It demonstrates the technical and commercial viability of power-to-hydrogen solutions and studies their replicability in other parts of Europe. TSO2020 analyses synergies between power storage solutions and alternative transport infrastructure needs, identifying new market opportunities and offering a valuable support for the energy transition.

More information about the programme

TSO2020 Closing Event

TSO2020 is the largest Action approved in the first Synergy call of the EU Connecting Europe Facility. It demonstrates the technical and commercial viability of power-to-hydrogen solutions and studies their replicability in other parts of Europe. TSO2020 analyses synergies between power storage solutions and alternative transport infrastructure needs, identifying new market opportunities and offering a valuable support for the energy transition.

The TSO2020 closing event will be held online on the 25th of June from 9.00 – 12.25. The closing event will include contributions from the involved partners and coworking organisations addressing the perspectives opened by the CEF Synergy call. It will present all relevant outcomes of the project, provide an outlook into the political perspectives and position the TSO2020 project as an accelerator for green Hydrogen developments in the Northern Netherlands and beyond.

Watch the recordings of this event below

More information about the programme

All presentations, research and reports presented during this event:
TSO2020 – Intro, Programme and Outro    Download
Remco Wassink – About TSO2020   Download
Rene Schutte – Setting the scene, TSO2020    Download
Patrick Cnubben – TSO2020 Synergy works   Download
Beatrice Coda – Presentation CINEA   Download
Mariëtte van Empel – Next Steps   Download
José Rueda Torres – Activity 2, Stability study   Download
Wim van der Veen – Activity 3, CBA modeling   Download
Robert Luchies – Activity 4, HyStock pilot   Download
Edward Doorten – Activity 4, Delfzijl Hydrogen Hub   Download
Ian Williamson – Activity 5, Scaling Up   Download

Brussels Policy Roundtable

TSO2020 is the largest Action approved in the first so-called Synergy call of the EU Connecting Europe Facility. It demonstrates the technical and commercial viability of power-to-hydrogen solutions and studies their replicability in other parts of Europe. TSO2020 analyses synergies between power storage solutions and alternative transport infrastructure needs, identifying new market opportunities and offering a valuable support for the energy transition.Due to the relevance of its results, TSO2020 will hold an online Brussels Policy Roundtable on 19 November 2020, involving key industry players and policy makers from EU and national levels.

The Roundtable aims to collect inputs from participants and lay the ground for a fruitful debate that can help shape policy recommendations for the large scale deployment of hydrogen technologies across the EU.

Speakers and attendees include high-level officials from European and national institutions, key industry players and major European associations.

Watch the recordings of this event below


All presentations, research and reports presented during this event:

Remco Wassink – Project Presentation   Download

Tudor Constantinescu – The EU Hydrogen Strategy & future implementation actions   Download

Andreas Boschen – The Innovation and Networks Executive Agency (INEA)   Download

Mart van der Meijden – Research ‘Power Systems of the Future’   Download

René Schutte – Growing Hydrogen – Hydrogen & Synergy   Download

Nikolaos Lymperopoulos – The FCH JU: Implementing EU R&I policies on Hydrogen and Fuel Cells   Download

Highlights of the World Hydrogen Fuels Summit 2020

On the 10-11 March 2020 we shared our insights from the TSO2020 project on the World Hydrogen Fuels Summit 2020.

The Summit, produced by the Sustainable Energy Council, gathered over 100 senior Government and industry leaders, with 30 expert speakers, 7 sponsoring companies and 15 supporting associations, who shared their organisations’ impressive advances on projects and technology, which are making hydrogen the go-to alternative to fossil fuels for our industries, transport and shipping.

World Hydrogen Fuels Summit 2020 Highlights Video

Interview Mr. Dirk Schaap, Ministry Infrastructure & Water, Netherlands – World Hydrogen Summit 2020

Dutch Minister visits Groningen

On the June 17th Dutch Minister Kaag of Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation paid a working visit to Groningen. There she took note of everything that is happening in the field of hydrogen and the opportunities for the Netherlands to put itself on the international map with hydrogen. She visited Groningen Seaports and also the hydrogen installation HyStock. Minister Kaag: ‘I am impressed with the way in which the energy transition is being worked on, how people are thinking ahead and how opportunities are being created for the Netherlands.

Stability Analysis of an International Electricity System connected to Regional and Local Sustainable Gas Systems

The TSO 2020 project has published a stability analysis of an international electricity system connected to regional and local sustainable gas systems. The report overiews an analysis of the current regulations for ancillary services provision. Next, it presents the development of a model of a 1-MW electrolyser equipped with frequency and voltage controllers to support the stability of the local transmission network. The performance of this electrolyser in a power system was simulated and analysed by using a reduced size model of the electrical transmission network in Veendam-Zuidwending. The electrolyser model was then scaled up to represent a large 300-MW electrolyser. A test model of the northern part of the Dutch transmission network was developed and various simulations were performed to study the impact of a large-scale electrolyser in an interconnected power system. The study was completed by the development of control approaches that enable electrolysers and multi-energy hubs to participate in the provision of electrical ancillary services.

Cost Benefit Analysis study

The TSO 2020 project has published a Cost Benefit Analysis study. The overall objective of this activity is to assess the costs and benefits of a 300MW Power-to-Gas installation. This analysis is made both from a societal perspective (total value to the society) and from the perspective of a market party (project’s business case in the market environment).

The deliverable of this activity is composed of three reports:

Report 1: Power to Gas project’s value to society

Report 2: A description of the facility optimisation and contribution to local grid stability

Report 3: Business case and operational scheme of the Power to Gas project

Electrolyser commissioning project HyStock

  From October 2018 onwards Energy Stock and Gasunie New Energy started commissioning the electrolyser in project HyStock. The electrolyser has an electrical capacity of 1 MW and has the purpose to convert green electricity into hydrogen. Hydrogen is a versatile energy carrier that can be applied in a diversity of end user sectors, like industry, mobility and on the long term build environment.

On the short term Energy Stock foresees to offer conversion capacity to support the development of hydrogen mobility. At this stage the hydrogen is stored above ground in tube trailers. The 1 MW electrolyser is a stepping stone so that in the long term, with the scale up of electrolysis, the industrial sector can be supplied and caverns can be prepared to facility large scale hydrogen storage and offer balancing services. HyStock is a first pilot towards the development of a wider hydrogen infrastructure.

COBRA cable reaches Dutch coast

On November 9th 2018 the COBRA cable was landed onshore in Eemshaven, the Netherlands. The COBRA cable is a 325 km interconnection between the Eemshaven (NL) and Endrup (DK). The cable has a capacity of 700 megawatts and is expected to become fully operational in the third quarter of 2019.  The objective of the TSO2020 project is to combine this project of common interest with the TEN-T Comprehensive network for multimodal transport and the TEN-T core network on the North Sea – Baltic and Rhine – Alpine corridors by demonstrating the technical and commercial viability of power-to-hydrogen solutions in the context of the Groningen region. These solutions are aimed to simultaneously balance the intermittent power input from the COBRA cable and to develop the use of hydrogen for transport applications along the TEN-T corridors.

For more information on the COBRA cable visit: